Adult Sunday School

College and Career

Through an interactive teaching style, the class exists to build an authentic Christ centered community that will study Scripture together and grow together through discipleship. If you are between 18-29, in college, working on your new career, or just moving out of the house, this class is for you.

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Parent's of Children

An interactive class for parents with children at home. This group does a topical teaching of the Bible, often video based, designed to help families grow in the Word, deal with everyday life situations dealing with raising kid’s in today’s world, and in building relationships with other families.  It is for those who are married, engaged, or single parents.

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Parents of Youth

An interactive class for parents of teenagers, designed to help families grow in the Word, deal with everyday life situations dealing with raising teenagers in today’s world, and in building relationships with other families.  

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Just As I Am

A co-ed class that’s focus is to become a better witness, parent and spouse as we draw closer to the Lord through topical studies, books of the Bible, and answering the difficult questions regarding situations that families and spouses encounter. 

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A co-ed class that focuses on Bible study and biblical applications that make a lasting difference in our daily lives. This is gone through personal sharing and class discussion.

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A co-ed class based on the Scripture, “as iron sharpens iron”. The class is built around fellowship and the truth’s from God’s Word that will strengthen us to better fulfill His purpose for our daily lives. All who come to our church seeking to grow or know Christ and the Bible better, are welcomed to this class.

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Joy Women's

A ladies class for all ages based on the “Masterworks” program. Weekly lessons are based on messages that have come out of the heart of God’s servants, renowned Christian authors who draw learners to a deeper involvement through daily personal study, weekly group interaction, and key life messages.

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Three Sixteen Women's

A ladies Bible study for all ages. Class will focus on personal spiritual growth and discipleship and be based on the “Gospel Light” study series. 

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Men's Class

A class for older men, filled with high-spirited discussions that correlate biblical teaching with current events and issues, while seeking biblical solutions. 

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A co-ed class for 65-90+ years old.  Class begins each week with concentrated prayer, followed by a lively discussion and lesson based on the “Explore the Bible” series.  The study is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture so men and women can better understand and apply God’s Word in a manner that is sustainable, thorough, and age-appropriate. 

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