What to Expect

At Chapel of the Hills, we are all about Jesus, and Sunday mornings are a time of worshiping Him and celebrating how He is working in our lives.

The worship service begins at 10:45 AM. It lasts one hour and includes singing, prayer,
and a biblical message with real-life application.

Our worship music is a mix of contemporary and classic hymns so all ages should feel comfortable. All of our sermons are taught directly from the Bible and given with real-life application. Please know that you are welcome at Chapel regardless of your church background or beliefs.

If you prefer dressy, business, or casual attire, chances are there will be others dressed much like you when you visit.

You can keep your kids with you during the service or send them to KidZ Church, a program designed especially for them. Our pre-K through 5th graders start off in the service and then are dismissed to KidZ Church about half way through. A supervised nursery is available for birth to pre-K during the entire service, allowing parents to worship, receive instruction from God’s Word, and participate in ministry confident that their children’s needs are being met.